import Config # Important: indicate date of last release, to generate a changelog for issues closed since then changelog_issues_closed_after = "2022-08-30" config :bonfire, # Note: you can run `Bonfire.Common.Config.put(:experimental_features_enabled, true)` to enable these in prod too experimental_features_enabled: true, # low limit so it is easier to test default_pagination_limit: 10 # config :pseudo_gettext, :locale, "en-pseudo_text" # uncomment to use and check that the app is properly localisable config :bonfire, Bonfire.Common.Repo, database: System.get_env("POSTGRES_DB", "bonfire_dev"), # show_sensitive_data_on_connection_error: true, pool_size: String.to_integer(System.get_env("POOL_SIZE") || "10"), log: false path_dep_dirs = Mess.deps([path: "deps.path"], []) |>!(elem(&1, 1), :path) <> "/lib")) config :phoenix_live_reload, # watch the app's lib/ dir + the dep/lib/ dir of every locally-cloned dep dirs: path_dep_dirs ++ ["lib/"] # to include cloned code in patterns path_dep_patterns =, &(String.slice(&1, 2..1000) <> ".*ex")) # Surface views path_dep_patterns = (path_dep_patterns ++ path_dep_dirs) |>, 2..1000) <> ".*sface")) # Watch static and templates for browser reloading. config :bonfire, Bonfire.Web.Endpoint, server: true, # In the development environment, Phoenix will debug errors by default, showing us a very informative debugging page. If we want to see what the application would serve in production, set to false debug_errors: true, check_origin: false, code_reloader: true, watchers: [ # yarn: [ # "watch", # cd: Path.expand("assets", File.cwd!()) # ], yarn: [ "watch.js", cd: Path.expand("assets", File.cwd!()) ], yarn: [ "watch.css", cd: Path.expand("assets", File.cwd!()) ], yarn: [ "watch.assets", cd: Path.expand("assets", File.cwd!()) ] ], live_reload: [ patterns: [ # ~r"^priv/static/.*(js|css|png|jpeg|jpg|gif|svg)$", # ~r"^priv/gettext/.*(po)$", # ~r"^web/(live|views)/.*ex$", # ~r"^lib/.*_live\.ex$", # ~r".*leex$", # defp elixirc_paths(:dev), do: ["lib"] ++ catalogues() ~r"lib/.*(ex|sface)$", ~r"priv/catalogue/.*(ex)$" ] ++ path_dep_patterns ] config :logger, :console, level: :debug, truncate: :infinity, # Do not include metadata or timestamps format: "[$level] $message\n" config :phoenix, :stacktrace_depth, 30 config :phoenix, :plug_init_mode, :runtime config :surface, :compiler, warn_on_undefined_props: true config :exsync, src_monitor: true, extra_extensions: [".leex", ".js", ".css", ".sface"] config :versioce, :changelog, # Or your own datagrabber module datagrabber: Versioce.Changelog.DataGrabber.Git, # Or your own formatter module formatter: Versioce.Changelog.Formatter.Keepachangelog config :versioce, :changelog, closed_after: changelog_issues_closed_after, changelog_file: "docs/", datagrabber: Bonfire.Common.Changelog.Github.DataGrabber, anchors: %{ added: ["Feature"], changed: ["Improvement", "UI/UX", "Refactor"], deprecated: ["[DEP]"], removed: ["[REM]"], fixed: ["Bug"], security: ["Security", "Safety"] }