[ version: "0.6.2", # Can also be set/reset with `--autocorrect`/`--no-autocorrect`. autocorrect: true, # With "--dry" no changes will be written to the files. # Can also be set/reset with `--dry`/`--no-dry`. # If dry is true then verbose is also active. dry: true, # Can also be set/reset with `--verbose`/`--no-verbose`. verbose: true, # Can be overwritten by calling `mix recode "lib/**/*.ex"`. inputs: ["{flavours,lib,test}/**/*.{ex,exs}", "forks/bonfire*/{config,lib,test}/**/*.{ex,exs}"], formatter: {Recode.Formatter, []}, tasks: [ # Tasks could be added by a tuple of the tasks module name and an options # keyword list. A task can be deactivated by `active: false`. The execution of # a deactivated task can be forced by calling `mix recode --task ModuleName`. {Recode.Task.AliasExpansion, []}, {Recode.Task.AliasOrder, [active: false]}, {Recode.Task.Dbg, [autocorrect: false]}, {Recode.Task.EnforceLineLength, [active: false]}, {Recode.Task.FilterCount, []}, {Recode.Task.IOInspect, [autocorrect: false]}, {Recode.Task.Nesting, []}, {Recode.Task.PipeFunOne, []}, {Recode.Task.SinglePipe, [active: false]}, {Recode.Task.Specs, [active: false, exclude: "{test}/**/*.{ex,exs}", config: [only: :visible]]}, {Recode.Task.TagFIXME, [exit_code: 2]}, {Recode.Task.TagTODO, [exit_code: 4]}, {Recode.Task.TestFileExt, []}, {Recode.Task.UnusedVariable, [active: false]} ] ]