update data config to use new code support in flexto

This commit is contained in:
jjl 2022-01-03 14:29:54 +01:00
parent 7e9742a88a
commit f3e5d30224

View file

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ context_and_queries_extensions = pointable_schema_extensions ++ [
config :bonfire, :query_modules_search_path, context_and_queries_extensions
config :bonfire, :query_modules_search_path, context_and_queries_extensions
config :bonfire, :context_modules_search_path, context_and_queries_extensions
# Search these apps/extensions for Verbs to index (i.e. they contain modules with a declare_verbs/0 function)
@ -53,12 +53,18 @@ alias Bonfire.Data.AccessControl.{
Access, Acl, Controlled, InstanceAdmin, Grant, Interact, Verb
alias Bonfire.Data.ActivityPub.{Actor, Peer, Peered}
alias Bonfire.Data.Edges.{Edge,EdgeTotal}
alias Bonfire.Data.Identity.{
Account, Accounted, Caretaker, Character, Credential, Email, Self, User, Named
alias Bonfire.Data.Social.{
Activity, Article, Block, Bookmark, Circle, Created, Encircle, Feed, FeedPublish, Inbox, Message, Follow, FollowCount, Boost, BoostCount, Like, LikeCount, Flag, FlagCount, Mention, Post, PostContent, Profile, Replied
Activity, Article, Block, Bookmark, Circle, Created, Encircle, Feed,
FeedPublish, Inbox, Message, Follow, Boost, Like, Flag, Mention,
Post, PostContent, Profile, Replied
alias Bonfire.Classify.Category
alias Bonfire.Geolocate.Geolocation
alias Bonfire.Files.Media
#### Flexto Stitching
@ -73,34 +79,33 @@ alias Bonfire.Data.Social.{
# first up, pointers could have all the mixins we're using. TODO
config :pointers, Pointer,
has_one: [named: {Named, foreign_key: :id}],
has_one: [caretaker: {Caretaker, foreign_key: :id}],
has_one: [controlled: {Controlled, foreign_key: :id}],
has_one: [created: {Created, foreign_key: :id}],
has_one: [peered: {Peered, references: :id, foreign_key: :id}],
has_one: [activity: {Activity, foreign_key: :object_id, references: :id}], # needs ON clause
has_one: [post_content: {PostContent, foreign_key: :id}],
# has_one: [like_count: {LikeCount, foreign_key: :id}],
# has_many: [likes: {Like, foreign_key: :liked_id, references: :id}],
# has_one: [my_like: {Like, foreign_key: :liked_id, references: :id}],
# has_one: [my_flag: {Flag, foreign_key: :flagged_id, references: :id}],
has_one: [replied: {Replied, foreign_key: :id}],
has_many: [direct_replies: {Replied, foreign_key: :reply_to_id}],
has_one: [profile: {Profile, foreign_key: :id}],
has_one: [character: {Character, foreign_key: :id}],
has_one: [actor: {Actor, foreign_key: :id}],
# add references of tags to any tagged Pointer
many_to_many: [
tags: {
[code: quote do
@like_ulid "11KES11KET0BE11KEDY0VKN0WS"
@follow_ulid "70110WTHE1EADER1EADER1EADE"
has_one :named, unquote(Named), foreign_key: :id
has_one :caretaker, unquote(Caretaker), foreign_key: :id
has_one :controlled, unquote(Controlled), foreign_key: :id
has_one :created, unquote(Created), foreign_key: :id
has_one :peered, unquote(Peered), foreign_key: :id, references: :id
has_one :activity, unquote(Activity), foreign_key: :object_id, references: :id
has_one :post_content, unquote(PostContent), foreign_key: :id
has_one :replied, unquote(Replied), foreign_key: :id
has_many :direct_replies, unquote(Replied), foreign_key: :reply_to_id
has_one :profile, unquote(Profile), foreign_key: :id
has_one :character, unquote(Character), foreign_key: :id
has_one :actor, unquote(Actor), foreign_key: :id
has_one :like_count, unquote(EdgeTotal), foreign_key: :id, references: :id, where: [table_id: @like_ulid]
has_one :boost_count, unquote(EdgeTotal), foreign_key: :id, references: :id, where: [table_id: @boost_ulid]
has_one :follow_count, unquote(EdgeTotal), foreign_key: :id, references: :id, where: [table_id: @follow_ulid]
# add references of tags to any tagged Pointer
many_to_many :tags, unquote(Bonfire.Tag),
join_through: "bonfire_tagged",
unique: true,
join_keys: [pointer_id: :id, tag_id: :id],
on_replace: :delete
config :pointers, Table, []
@ -109,19 +114,25 @@ config :pointers, Table, []
# bonfire_data_access_control
config :bonfire_data_access_control, Access,
has_one: [named: {Named, foreign_key: :id}],
has_one: [caretaker: {Caretaker, foreign_key: :id}]
[code: quote do
has_one :named, unquote(Named),foreign_key: :id
has_one :caretaker, unquote(Caretaker), foreign_key: :id
config :bonfire_data_access_control, Acl,
has_one: [named: {Named, foreign_key: :id}],
has_one: [caretaker: {Caretaker, foreign_key: :id}]
[code: quote do
has_one :named, unquote(Named), foreign_key: :id
has_one :caretaker, unquote(Caretaker), foreign_key: :id
config :bonfire_data_access_control, Controlled, []
config :bonfire_data_access_control, Grant,
belongs_to: [subject_character: {Character, foreign_key: :subject_id, define_field: false}],
belongs_to: [subject_profile: {Profile, foreign_key: :subject_id, define_field: false}],
belongs_to: [subject_circle: {Circle, foreign_key: :subject_id, define_field: false}],
belongs_to: [subject_named: {Named, foreign_key: :subject_id, define_field: false}]
[code: quote do
belongs_to :subject_character, unquote(Character), foreign_key: :subject_id, define_field: false
belongs_to :subject_profile, unquote(Profile), foreign_key: :subject_id, define_field: false
belongs_to :subject_circle, unquote(Circle), foreign_key: :subject_id, define_field: false
belongs_to :subject_named, unquote(Named), foreign_key: :subject_id, define_field: false
config :bonfire_data_access_control, Interact, []
config :bonfire_data_access_control, Verb, []
@ -129,9 +140,12 @@ config :bonfire_data_access_control, Verb, []
# bonfire_data_activity_pub
config :bonfire_data_activity_pub, Actor,
belongs_to: [character: {Character, foreign_key: :id, define_field: false}],
has_one: [peered: {Peered, references: :id, foreign_key: :id}],
belongs_to: [user: {User, foreign_key: :id, define_field: false}]
[code: quote do
belongs_to :character, unquote(Character), foreign_key: :id, define_field: false
has_one :peered, unquote(Peered), references: :id, foreign_key: :id
belongs_to :user, unquote(User), foreign_key: :id, define_field: false
config :bonfire_data_activity_pub, Peer, []
config :bonfire_data_activity_pub, Peered, []
@ -139,252 +153,279 @@ config :bonfire_data_activity_pub, Peered, []
# bonfire_data_identity
config :bonfire_data_identity, Account,
has_one: [credential: {Credential, foreign_key: :id}],
has_one: [email: {Email, foreign_key: :id}],
has_one: [inbox: {Inbox, foreign_key: :id}],
many_to_many: [users: {User, join_through: "bonfire_data_identity_accounted", join_keys: [account_id: :id, id: :id]}],
many_to_many: [shared_users: {User, join_through: "bonfire_data_shared_user_accounts", join_keys: [account_id: :id, shared_user_id: :id]}]
[code: quote do
has_one :credential, unquote(Credential),foreign_key: :id
has_one :email, unquote(Email), foreign_key: :id
has_one :inbox, unquote(Inbox), foreign_key: :id
many_to_many :users, unquote(User), join_through: "bonfire_data_identity_accounted", join_keys: [account_id: :id, id: :id]
many_to_many :shared_users, unquote(User), join_through: "bonfire_data_shared_user_accounts", join_keys: [account_id: :id, shared_user_id: :id]
config :bonfire_data_identity, Accounted,
belongs_to: [user: {User, foreign_key: :id, define_field: false}]
[code: quote do
belongs_to :user, unquote(User), foreign_key: :id, define_field: false
config :bonfire_data_identity, Caretaker, []
config :bonfire_data_identity, Character,
has_one: [peered: {Peered, references: :id, foreign_key: :id}],
has_one: [actor: {Actor, foreign_key: :id}],
has_one: [profile: {Profile, foreign_key: :id}],
has_one: [user: {User, foreign_key: :id}],
has_one: [feed: {Feed, foreign_key: :id}],
has_one: [inbox: {Inbox, foreign_key: :id}],
has_many: [feed_publishes: {FeedPublish, references: :id, foreign_key: :feed_id}]
# has_many: [followers: {Follow, foreign_key: :following_id, references: :id}],
# has_many: [followed: {Follow, foreign_key: :follower_id, references: :id}],
# has_one: [follow_count: {FollowCount, foreign_key: :id}]
[code: quote do
@follow_ulid "70110WTHE1EADER1EADER1EADE"
has_one :peered, unquote(Peered), references: :id, foreign_key: :id
has_one :actor, unquote(Actor), foreign_key: :id
has_one :profile, unquote(Profile), foreign_key: :id
has_one :user, unquote(User), foreign_key: :id
has_one :feed, unquote(Feed), foreign_key: :id
has_one :inbox, unquote(Inbox), foreign_key: :id
has_many :feed_publishes, unquote(FeedPublish), references: :id, foreign_key: :feed_id
has_many :followers, unquote(Follow), foreign_key: :following_id, references: :id
has_many :followed, unquote(Follow), foreign_key: :follower_id, references: :id
has_one :follow_count, unquote(EdgeTotal), foreign_key: :id, references: :id, where: [table_id: @follow_ulid]
config :bonfire_data_identity, Credential,
belongs_to: [account: {Account, foreign_key: :id, define_field: false}]
[code: quote do
belongs_to :account, unquote(Account), foreign_key: :id, define_field: false
config :bonfire_data_identity, Email,
must_confirm: true,
belongs_to: [account: {Account, foreign_key: :id, define_field: false}]
[must_confirm: true,
code: quote do
belongs_to :account, unquote(Account), foreign_key: :id, define_field: false
config :bonfire_data_identity, Self, []
config :bonfire_data_identity, User,
has_one: [accounted: {Accounted, foreign_key: :id}],
# has_many: [account: {[through: [:accounted, :account]]}], # this is private info, do not expose
has_one: [profile: {Profile, foreign_key: :id}],
has_one: [character: {Character, foreign_key: :id}],
has_one: [actor: {Actor, foreign_key: :id}],
has_one: [instance_admin: {InstanceAdmin, foreign_key: :id}],
has_one: [self: {Self, foreign_key: :id}],
has_one: [peered: {Peered, references: :id}],
has_many: [encircles: {Encircle, foreign_key: :subject_id}],
has_one: [shared_user: {Bonfire.Data.SharedUser, foreign_key: :id}],
many_to_many: [caretaker_accounts: {Account, join_through: "bonfire_data_shared_user_accounts", join_keys: [shared_user_id: :id, account_id: :id]}],
# has_one: [geolocation: {Bonfire.Geolocate.Geolocation}]
has_many: [created: {Created, foreign_key: :creator_id}],
has_many: [creations: {[through: [:created, :pointer]]}],
has_many: [posts: {[through: [:created, :post]]}],
has_many: [user_activities: {Activity, foreign_key: :subject_id, references: :id}]
# has_many: [boosted: {Boost, foreign_key: :booster_id, references: :id}],
# has_many: [boost_activities: {[through: [:boosted, :activity]]}],
# has_many: [liked: {Like, foreign_key: :liker_id, references: :id}],
# has_many: [like_activities: {[through: [:liked, :activity]]}],
# has_many: [followers: {Follow, foreign_key: :followed_id, references: :id}],
# has_many: [followed: {Follow, foreign_key: :follower_id, references: :id}]
[code: quote do
has_one :accounted, unquote(Accounted), foreign_key: :id
has_one :profile, unquote(Profile), foreign_key: :id
has_one :character, unquote(Character), foreign_key: :id
has_one :actor, unquote(Actor), foreign_key: :id
has_one :instance_admin, unquote(InstanceAdmin), foreign_key: :id
has_one :self, unquote(Self), foreign_key: :id
has_one :peered, unquote(Peered), references: :id
has_many :encircles, unquote(Encircle), foreign_key: :subject_id
has_one :shared_user, unquote(Bonfire.Data.SharedUser), foreign_key: :id
has_many :created, unquote(Created), foreign_key: :creator_id
has_many :creations, through: [:created, :pointer]
has_many :posts, through: [:created, :post]
has_many :user_activities, unquote(Activity), foreign_key: :subject_id, references: :id
many_to_many :caretaker_accounts, unquote(Account),
join_through: "bonfire_data_shared_user_accounts", join_keys: [shared_user_id: :id, account_id: :id]
# has_many :account, through: [:accounted, :account] # this is private info, do not expose
# has_one :geolocation, Bonfire.Geolocate.Geolocation
# bonfire_data_social
config :bonfire_data_social, Activity,
belongs_to: [subject_user: {User, foreign_key: :subject_id, define_field: false}],
belongs_to: [subject_character: {Character, foreign_key: :subject_id, define_field: false}],
belongs_to: [subject_profile: {Profile, foreign_key: :subject_id, define_field: false}],
belongs_to: [object_peered: {Peered, foreign_key: :id, define_field: false}],
belongs_to: [object_post: {Post, foreign_key: :id, define_field: false}],
# belongs_to: [object_post_content: {PostContent, foreign_key: :id, define_field: false}],
belongs_to: [object_message: {Message, foreign_key: :id, define_field: false}],
# has_one: [boost_count: {BoostCount, foreign_key: :id}],
# has_one: [like_count: {LikeCount, foreign_key: :id}],
# has_many: [boosts: {Boost, foreign_key: :boosted_id, references: :id}],
# has_many: [likes: {Like, foreign_key: :liked_id, references: :id}],
# has_one: [my_like: {Like, foreign_key: :liked_id, references: :id}],
# has_one: [my_boost: {Boost, foreign_key: :boosted_id, references: :id}],
# has_one: [my_flag: {Flag, foreign_key: :flagged_id, references: :id}],
has_one: [replied: {Replied, foreign_key: :id}],
# has_one: [reply_to: {[through: [:replied, :reply_to]]}],
# has_one: [reply_to_post: {[through: [:replied, :reply_to_post]]}],
# has_one: [reply_to_post_content: {[through: [:replied, :reply_to_post_content]]}],
# has_one: [reply_to_creator_character: {[through: [:replied, :reply_to_creator_character]]}],
# has_one: [reply_to_creator_profile: {[through: [:replied, :reply_to_creator_profile]]}],
# has_one: [thread_post: {[through: [:replied, :thread_post]]}],
# has_one: [thread_post_content: {[through: [:replied, :thread_post_content]]}],
has_one: [object_created: {Created, foreign_key: :id}],
# has_one: [object_creator_user: {[through: [:object_created, :creator_user]]}],
# has_one: [object_creator_character: {[through: [:object_created, :creator_character]]}],
# has_one: [object_creator_profile: {[through: [:object_created, :creator_profile]]}],
has_one: [controlled: {Controlled, foreign_key: :id, references: :id}],
has_one: [activity: {Activity, foreign_key: :id, references: :id}], # ugly workaround needed for querying
many_to_many: [
tags: {
join_through: "bonfire_tagged",
unique: true,
join_keys: [pointer_id: :id, tag_id: :id],
on_replace: :delete
[code: quote do
@like_ulid "11KES11KET0BE11KEDY0VKN0WS"
@follow_ulid "70110WTHE1EADER1EADER1EADE"
belongs_to :subject_user, unquote(User), foreign_key: :subject_id, define_field: false
belongs_to :subject_character, unquote(Character), foreign_key: :subject_id, define_field: false
belongs_to :subject_profile, unquote(Profile), foreign_key: :subject_id, define_field: false
belongs_to :object_peered, unquote(Peered), foreign_key: :id, define_field: false
belongs_to :object_post, unquote(Post), foreign_key: :id, define_field: false
# belongs_to: [object_post_content: {PostContent, foreign_key: :id, define_field: false}],
belongs_to :object_message, unquote(Message), foreign_key: :id, define_field: false
has_one :replied, unquote(Replied), foreign_key: :id
# has_one: [reply_to: {[through: [:replied, :reply_to]]}],
# has_one: [reply_to_post: {[through: [:replied, :reply_to_post]]}],
# has_one: [reply_to_post_content: {[through: [:replied, :reply_to_post_content]]}],
# has_one: [reply_to_creator_character: {[through: [:replied, :reply_to_creator_character]]}],
# has_one: [reply_to_creator_profile: {[through: [:replied, :reply_to_creator_profile]]}],
# has_one: [thread_post: {[through: [:replied, :thread_post]]}],
# has_one: [thread_post_content: {[through: [:replied, :thread_post_content]]}],
has_one :object_created, unquote(Created), foreign_key: :id
# has_one: [object_creator_user: {[through: [:object_created, :creator_user]]}],
# has_one: [object_creator_character: {[through: [:object_created, :creator_character]]}],
# has_one: [object_creator_profile: {[through: [:object_created, :creator_profile]]}],
has_one :controlled, unquote(Controlled), foreign_key: :id, references: :id
# ugly workaround needed for querying
has_one :activity, unquote(Activity), foreign_key: :id, references: :id
has_one :like_count, unquote(EdgeTotal), foreign_key: :id, references: :id, where: [table_id: @like_ulid]
has_one :boost_count, unquote(EdgeTotal), foreign_key: :id, references: :id, where: [table_id: @boost_ulid]
has_one :follow_count, unquote(EdgeTotal), foreign_key: :id, references: :id, where: [table_id: @follow_ulid]
many_to_many :tags, Bonfire.Tag,
join_through: "bonfire_tagged", unique: true,
join_keys: [pointer_id: :id, tag_id: :id], on_replace: :delete
config :bonfire_data_social, Circle,
has_one: [caretaker: {Caretaker, foreign_key: :id}],
has_one: [named: {Named, foreign_key: :id}]
# has_many: [encircles: {Encircle, foreign_key: :circle_id}]
[code: quote do
has_one :caretaker, unquote(Caretaker), foreign_key: :id
has_one :named, unquote(Named), foreign_key: :id
config :bonfire_data_social, Encircle,
belongs_to: [subject_user: {User, foreign_key: :subject_id, define_field: false}],
belongs_to: [subject_character: {Character, foreign_key: :subject_id, define_field: false}],
belongs_to: [subject_profile: {Profile, foreign_key: :subject_id, define_field: false}]
[code: quote do
belongs_to :subject_user, unquote(User), foreign_key: :subject_id, define_field: false
belongs_to :subject_character, unquote(Character), foreign_key: :subject_id, define_field: false
belongs_to :subject_profile, unquote(Profile), foreign_key: :subject_id, define_field: false
config :bonfire_data_social, Edge,
belongs_to: [subject_character: {Character, foreign_key: :subject_id, define_field: false}],
belongs_to: [subject_profile: {Profile, foreign_key: :subject_id, define_field: false}],
belongs_to: [object_character: {Character, foreign_key: :object_id, define_field: false}],
belongs_to: [object_profile: {Profile, foreign_key: :object_id, define_field: false}]
[code: quote do
belongs_to :subject_character, unquote(Character), foreign_key: :subject_id, define_field: false
belongs_to :subject_profile, unquote(Profile), foreign_key: :subject_id, define_field: false
belongs_to :object_character, unquote(Character), foreign_key: :object_id, define_field: false
belongs_to :object_profile, unquote(Profile), foreign_key: :object_id, define_field: false
config :bonfire_data_social, Feed,
belongs_to: [character: {Character, foreign_key: :id, define_field: false}],
belongs_to: [user: {User, foreign_key: :id, define_field: false}]
[code: quote do
belongs_to :character, unquote(Character), foreign_key: :id, define_field: false
belongs_to :user, unquote(User), foreign_key: :id, define_field: false
config :bonfire_data_social, FeedPublish, []
config :bonfire_data_social, Follow,
has_one: [edge: {Edge, foreign_key: :id}]
[code: quote do
has_one :edge, unquote(Edge), foreign_key: :id
# belongs_to: [follower_character: {Character, foreign_key: :follower_id, define_field: false}],
# belongs_to: [follower_profile: {Profile, foreign_key: :follower_id, define_field: false}],
# belongs_to: [followed_character: {Character, foreign_key: :followed_id, define_field: false}],
# belongs_to: [followed_profile: {Profile, foreign_key: :followed_id, define_field: false}]
config :bonfire_data_social, FollowCount, []
config :bonfire_data_social, Block, []
config :bonfire_data_social, Block,
[code: quote do
has_one :edge, unquote(Edge), foreign_key: :id
config :bonfire_data_social, Boost,
has_one: [edge: {Edge, foreign_key: :id}]
[code: quote do
has_one :edge, unquote(Edge), foreign_key: :id
# has_one: [activity: {Activity, foreign_key: :object_id, references: :boosted_id}] # requires an ON clause
config :bonfire_data_social, Like,
has_one: [edge: {Edge, foreign_key: :id}]
[code: quote do
has_one :edge, unquote(Edge), foreign_key: :id
# has_one: [activity: {Activity, foreign_key: :object_id, references: :liked_id}] # requires an ON clause
config :bonfire_data_social, LikeCount, []
config :bonfire_data_social, Bookmark, []
config :bonfire_data_social, Message,
has_one: [post_content: {PostContent, foreign_key: :id}],
has_one: [created: {Created, foreign_key: :id}],
has_one: [peered: {Peered, references: :id, foreign_key: :id}],
has_many: [activities: {Activity, foreign_key: :object_id, references: :id}],
has_one: [activity: {Activity, foreign_key: :object_id, references: :id}], # requires an ON clause
# has_one: [like_count: {LikeCount, foreign_key: :id}],
# has_many: [likes: {Like, foreign_key: :liked_id, references: :id}],
# has_one: [my_like: {Like, foreign_key: :liked_id, references: :id}],
# has_one: [my_flag: {Flag, foreign_key: :flagged_id, references: :id}],
has_one: [replied: {Replied, foreign_key: :id}],
has_many: [direct_replies: {Replied, foreign_key: :reply_to_id}],
has_one: [controlled: {Controlled, foreign_key: :id}]
[code: quote do
@like_ulid "11KES11KET0BE11KEDY0VKN0WS"
has_one :post_content, unquote(PostContent), foreign_key: :id
has_one :created, unquote(Created), foreign_key: :id
has_one :peered, unquote(Peered), references: :id, foreign_key: :id
has_many :activities, unquote(Activity), foreign_key: :object_id, references: :id
has_one :activity, unquote(Activity), foreign_key: :object_id, references: :id # requires an ON clause
has_one :replied, unquote(Replied), foreign_key: :id
has_many :direct_replies, unquote(Replied), foreign_key: :reply_to_id
has_one :controlled, unquote(Controlled), foreign_key: :id
has_one :like_count, unquote(EdgeTotal), foreign_key: :id, references: :id, where: [table_id: @like_ulid]
has_one :boost_count, unquote(EdgeTotal), foreign_key: :id, references: :id, where: [table_id: @boost_ulid]
config :bonfire_data_social, Mention, []
config :bonfire_data_social, Named, []
config :bonfire_data_social, Post,
has_one: [post_content: {PostContent, foreign_key: :id}],
has_one: [created: {Created, foreign_key: :id}],
has_one: [peered: {Peered, references: :id, foreign_key: :id}],
# has_one: [creator_user: {[through: [:created, :creator_user]]}],
# has_one: [creator_character: {[through: [:created, :creator_character]]}],
# has_one: [creator_profile: {[through: [:created, :creator_profile]]}],
has_many: [activities: {Activity, foreign_key: :object_id, references: :id}],
has_one: [activity: {Activity, foreign_key: :object_id, references: :id}], # requires an ON clause
# has_one: [like_count: {LikeCount, foreign_key: :id}],
# has_many: [likes: {Like, foreign_key: :liked_id, references: :id}],
# has_one: [my_like: {Like, foreign_key: :liked_id, references: :id}],
# has_one: [my_boost: {Boost, foreign_key: :boosted_id, references: :id}],
# has_one: [my_flag: {Flag, foreign_key: :flagged_id, references: :id}],
has_one: [replied: {Replied, foreign_key: :id}],
# has_one: [reply_to: {[through: [:replied, :reply_to]]}],
# has_one: [reply_to_post: {[through: [:replied, :reply_to_post]]}],
# has_one: [reply_to_post_content: {[through: [:replied, :reply_to_post_content]]}],
# has_one: [reply_to_creator_character: {[through: [:replied, :reply_to_creator_character]]}],
# has_one: [reply_to_creator_profile: {[through: [:replied, :reply_to_creator_profile]]}],
has_many: [direct_replies: {Replied, foreign_key: :reply_to_id}],
# has_one: [thread_post: {[through: [:replied, :thread_post]]}],
# has_one: [thread_post_content: {[through: [:replied, :thread_post_content]]}],
has_one: [controlled: {Controlled, foreign_key: :id}]
[code: quote do
@like_ulid "11KES11KET0BE11KEDY0VKN0WS"
has_one :post_content, unquote(PostContent), foreign_key: :id
has_one :created, unquote(Created), foreign_key: :id
has_one :peered, unquote(Peered), references: :id, foreign_key: :id
# has_one: [creator_user: {[through: [:created, :creator_user]]}],
# has_one: [creator_character: {[through: [:created, :creator_character]]}],
# has_one: [creator_profile: {[through: [:created, :creator_profile]]}],
has_many :activities, unquote(Activity), foreign_key: :object_id, references: :id
has_one :activity, unquote(Activity), foreign_key: :object_id, references: :id # requires an ON clause
has_one :replied, unquote(Replied), foreign_key: :id
# has_one: [reply_to: {[through: [:replied, :reply_to]]}],
# has_one: [reply_to_post: {[through: [:replied, :reply_to_post]]}],
# has_one: [reply_to_post_content: {[through: [:replied, :reply_to_post_content]]}],
# has_one: [reply_to_creator_character: {[through: [:replied, :reply_to_creator_character]]}],
# has_one: [reply_to_creator_profile: {[through: [:replied, :reply_to_creator_profile]]}],
has_many :direct_replies, unquote(Replied), foreign_key: :reply_to_id
# has_one: [thread_post: {[through: [:replied, :thread_post]]}],
# has_one: [thread_post_content: {[through: [:replied, :thread_post_content]]}],
has_one :controlled, unquote(Controlled), foreign_key: :id
has_one :like_count, unquote(EdgeTotal), foreign_key: :id, references: :id, where: [table_id: @like_ulid]
has_one :boost_count, unquote(EdgeTotal), foreign_key: :id, references: :id, where: [table_id: @boost_ulid]
config :bonfire_data_social, PostContent, []
config :bonfire_data_social, Replied,
belongs_to: [post: {Post, foreign_key: :id, define_field: false}],
belongs_to: [post_content: {PostContent, foreign_key: :id, define_field: false}],
has_many: [activities: {Activity, foreign_key: :object_id, references: :id}],
has_one: [activity: {Activity, foreign_key: :object_id, references: :id}],
has_one: [reply_to_post: {Post, foreign_key: :id, references: :reply_to_id}],
has_one: [reply_to_post_content: {PostContent, foreign_key: :id, references: :reply_to_id}],
has_one: [reply_to_created: {Created, foreign_key: :id, references: :reply_to_id}],
# has_one: [reply_to_creator_user: {[through: [:reply_to_created, :creator_user]]}],
# has_one: [reply_to_creator_character: {[through: [:reply_to_created, :creator_character]]}],
# has_one: [reply_to_creator_profile: {[through: [:reply_to_created, :creator_profile]]}],
# has_one: [like_count: {LikeCount, foreign_key: :id}],
has_many: [direct_replies: {Replied, foreign_key: :reply_to_id, references: :id}],
has_many: [thread_replies: {Replied, foreign_key: :thread_id, references: :id}],
has_one: [thread_post: {Post, foreign_key: :id, references: :thread_id}],
has_one: [thread_post_content: {PostContent, foreign_key: :id, references: :thread_id}],
has_one: [controlled: {Controlled, foreign_key: :id, references: :id}]
[code: quote do
@like_ulid "11KES11KET0BE11KEDY0VKN0WS"
belongs_to :post, unquote(Post), foreign_key: :id, define_field: false
belongs_to :post_content,unquote(PostContent), foreign_key: :id, define_field: false
has_many :activities, unquote(Activity), foreign_key: :object_id, references: :id
has_one :activity, unquote(Activity), foreign_key: :object_id, references: :id
has_one :reply_to_post, unquote(Post), foreign_key: :id, references: :reply_to_id
has_one :reply_to_post_content, unquote(PostContent), foreign_key: :id, references: :reply_to_id
has_one :reply_to_created, unquote(Created), foreign_key: :id, references: :reply_to_id
# has_one :reply_to_creator_user, through: [:reply_to_created, :creator_user]
# has_one :reply_to_creator_character, through: [:reply_to_created, :creator_character]
# has_one :reply_to_creator_profile, through: [:reply_to_created, :creator_profile]
has_many :direct_replies, unquote(Replied), foreign_key: :reply_to_id, references: :id
has_many :thread_replies, unquote(Replied), foreign_key: :thread_id, references: :id
has_one :thread_post, unquote(Post), foreign_key: :id, references: :thread_id
has_one :thread_post_content, unquote(PostContent), foreign_key: :id, references: :thread_id
has_one :controlled, unquote(Controlled), foreign_key: :id, references: :id
has_one :like_count, unquote(EdgeTotal), foreign_key: :id, references: :id, where: [table_id: @like_ulid]
has_one :boost_count, unquote(EdgeTotal), foreign_key: :id, references: :id, where: [table_id: @boost_ulid]
config :bonfire_data_social, Created,
has_one: [peered: {Peered, references: :id, foreign_key: :id}],
belongs_to: [creator_user: {User, foreign_key: :creator_id, define_field: false}],
belongs_to: [creator_character: {Character, foreign_key: :creator_id, define_field: false}],
belongs_to: [creator_profile: {Profile, foreign_key: :creator_id, define_field: false}],
has_one: [post: {Post, references: :id, foreign_key: :id}]
[code: quote do
belongs_to :creator_user, unquote(User), foreign_key: :creator_id, define_field: false
belongs_to :creator_character, unquote(Character), foreign_key: :creator_id, define_field: false
belongs_to :creator_profile, unquote(Profile), foreign_key: :creator_id, define_field: false
has_one :peered, unquote(Peered), foreign_key: :id, references: :id
has_one :post, unquote(Post), foreign_key: :id, references: :id
config :bonfire_data_social, Profile,
belongs_to: [user: {User, foreign_key: :id, define_field: false}],
has_one: [controlled: {Controlled, foreign_key: :id, references: :id}]
[code: quote do
belongs_to :user, unquote(User), foreign_key: :id, define_field: false
has_one :controlled, unquote(Controlled), foreign_key: :id, references: :id
######### other extensions
# optional mixin relations for tags that are characters (eg Category) or any other type of objects
config :bonfire_tag, Bonfire.Tag,
# for objects that are follow-able and can federate activities
has_one: [character: {Bonfire.Data.Identity.Character, references: :id, foreign_key: :id}],
has_one: [peered: {Peered, references: :id, foreign_key: :id}],
# has_one: [actor: {Bonfire.Data.ActivityPub.Actor, references: :id, foreign_key: :id}],
# has_one: [follow_count: {Bonfire.Data.Social.FollowCount, references: :id, foreign_key: :id}],
# for likeable objects
# has_one: [like_count: {Bonfire.Data.Social.LikeCount, references: :id, foreign_key: :id}],
# name/description
has_one: [profile: {Bonfire.Data.Social.Profile, references: :id, foreign_key: :id}],
# for taxonomy categories/topics
has_one: [category: {Bonfire.Classify.Category, references: :id, foreign_key: :id}],
# for locations
has_one: [geolocation: {Bonfire.Geolocate.Geolocation, references: :id, foreign_key: :id}]
[code: quote do
@like_ulid "11KES11KET0BE11KEDY0VKN0WS"
# for objects that are follow-able and can federate activities
has_one :character, unquote(Character), references: :id, foreign_key: :id
has_one :peered, unquote(Peered), references: :id, foreign_key: :id
# has_one: [actor: {Bonfire.Data.ActivityPub.Actor, references: :id, foreign_key: :id}],
# name/description
has_one :profile, unquote(Profile), references: :id, foreign_key: :id
# for taxonomy categories/topics
has_one :category, unquote(Category), references: :id, foreign_key: :id
# for locations
has_one :geolocation, unquote(Geolocation), references: :id, foreign_key: :id
has_one :like_count, unquote(EdgeTotal), foreign_key: :id, references: :id, where: [table_id: @like_ulid]
# add references of tagged objects to any Category
config :bonfire_classify, Bonfire.Classify.Category,
many_to_many: [
tags: {
config :bonfire_classify, Category,
[code: quote do
many_to_many :tags, unquote(Bonfire.Tag),
join_through: "bonfire_tagged",
unique: true,
join_keys: [tag_id: :id, pointer_id: :id],
on_replace: :delete
config :bonfire_files, Bonfire.Files.Media,
field: [
url: {:string, virtual: true}
config :bonfire_files, Media,
[code: quote do
field :url, :string, virtual: true