beter documention

This commit is contained in:
Mayel de Borniol 2021-12-17 11:56:46 +13:00
parent 36b74c5171
commit 9fe7b313a1
9 changed files with 90 additions and 77 deletions

View file

@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Set up database
run: mix ecto.setup
- name: Generate docs
run: mix docs
run: make doc
- name: Deploy docs
uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3

View file

@ -102,6 +102,9 @@ else
iex -S mix phx.server
doc: ## Generate docs from code & readmes
@make --no-print-directory cmd cmd="mix docs"
recompile: ## Force the app to recompile
@make --no-print-directory cmd cmd="mix compile --force"

View file

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
## Bonfire
# Bonfire
[Bonfire]( - a place your community is happy to call home.
Self-host your online community and shape your experience at the most granular level: add and remove features, change behaviours and appearance, tune, swap or turn off algorithms. You are in total control.
@ -8,12 +9,12 @@ Empower your community with tools to perform social, economic and political acti
### Flavours
This repo includes configurations to run two main [flavours of Bonfire]( you can choose from:
* [Classic](flavours/classic) for basic social networking
* [Cooperation](flavours/cooperation) with a bunch more extensions and features
* [Classic]( for basic social networking
* [Cooperation]( with a bunch more extensions and features
As well as app flavours being built by others, including:
* [Haha Academy](flavours/haha) by
* [Reflow](flavours/reflow) by and
* [Haha Academy]( by
* [Reflow]( by and
## Documentation

View file

@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
## Bonfire
# Bonfire Classic
This app is part of the [Bonfire]( ecosystem and bundles the following extensions:
- [Bonfire:Common]( - common utils
- [Bonfire:Me]( - accounts, user profiles...
- [Bonfire:Social]( - feeds, activities, posts, boosting, flagging, etc...
- [Bonfire:UI:Social]( - interface for basic social activities
- [Bonfire:Boundaries]( - define circles and associated privacy or permissions
- [Bonfire:Federate:ActivityPub]( - federates activities with ActivityPub to participate in the fediverse
- [Bonfire:Tag]( - @ mentions, hashtags, and tagging using topics/categories from Bonfire:Classify
- [Bonfire:Classify]( - categories & classifications in taxonomies
- [Bonfire:Geolocate]( - places
- [Bonfire.Common]( - common utils
- [Bonfire.Me]( - accounts, user profiles...
- [Bonfire.Social]( - feeds, activities, posts, boosting, flagging, etc...
- [Bonfire.UI.Social]( - interface for basic social activities
- [Bonfire.Boundaries]( - define circles and associated privacy or permissions
- [Bonfire.Federate.ActivityPub]( - federates activities with ActivityPub to participate in the fediverse
- [Bonfire.Tag]( - @ mentions, hashtags, and tagging using topics/categories from Bonfire.Classify
- [Bonfire.Classify]( - categories & classifications in taxonomies
- [Bonfire.Geolocate]( - places
## More information

View file

@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
## Bonfire Cooperation
# Bonfire Cooperation
This app is a flavour of [Bonfire]( and bundles the following extensions:
- [Bonfire:Common]( - common utils
- [Bonfire:Me]( - accounts, user profiles...
- [Bonfire:Social]( - feeds, activities, posts, boosting, flagging, etc...
- [Bonfire:UI:Social]( - interface for basic social activities
- [Bonfire:Boundaries]( - define circles and associated privacy or permissions
- [Bonfire:Federate:ActivityPub]( - federates activities with ActivityPub to participate in the fediverse
- [Bonfire:Tag]( - @ mentions, hashtags, and tagging using topics/categories from Bonfire:Classify
- [Bonfire:Classify]( - categories & classifications in taxonomies
- [Bonfire:Geolocate]( - places
- [Bonfire:Quantify]( - units & measures
- [Bonfire:ValueFlows]( - economic activities with ValueFlows
- [Bonfire:ValueFlows:Observe]( - observation of economic resources
- [Bonfire:API:GraphQL]( - a GraphQL client API
- [Bonfire:UI:ValueFlows]( - reusable frontend components for economic activities
- [Bonfire:UI:Coordination]( - basic coordination UI for projects and communities
- [Bonfire:Kanban]( - coordination tools with drag-and-drop card UI
- [Bonfire:Breadpub]( - needs & offers for mutual aid
- [Bonfire.Common]( - common utils
- [Bonfire.Me]( - accounts, user profiles...
- [Bonfire.Social]( - feeds, activities, posts, boosting, flagging, etc...
- [Bonfire.UI.Social]( - interface for basic social activities
- [Bonfire.Boundaries]( - define circles and associated privacy or permissions
- [Bonfire.Federate.ActivityPub]( - federates activities with ActivityPub to participate in the fediverse
- [Bonfire.Tag]( - @ mentions, hashtags, and tagging using topics/categories from Bonfire.Classify
- [Bonfire.Classify]( - categories & classifications in taxonomies
- [Bonfire.Geolocate]( - places
- [Bonfire.Quantify]( - units & measures
- [Bonfire.ValueFlows]( - economic activities with ValueFlows
- [Bonfire.ValueFlows.Observe]( - observation of economic resources
- [Bonfire.API.GraphQL]( - a GraphQL client API
- [Bonfire.UI.ValueFlows]( - reusable frontend components for economic activities
- [Bonfire.UI.Coordination]( - basic coordination UI for projects and communities
- [Bonfire.Kanban]( - coordination tools with drag-and-drop card UI
- [Bonfire.Breadpub]( - needs & offers for mutual aid
## More information

View file

@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
## Haha Academy powered by Bonfire
# Haha Academy
This app is part of the [Bonfire]( ecosystem and bundles the following extensions:
- [Bonfire:Common]( - common utils
- [Bonfire:Me]( - accounts, user profiles...
- [Bonfire:Social]( - feeds, activities, posts, boosting, flagging, etc...
- [Bonfire:UI:Social]( - interface for basic social activities
- [Bonfire:Boundaries]( - define circles and associated privacy or permissions
- [Bonfire:Federate:ActivityPub]( - federates activities with ActivityPub to participate in the fediverse
- [Bonfire:Tag]( - @ mentions, hashtags, and tagging using topics/categories from Bonfire:Classify
- [Bonfire:Classify]( - categories & classifications in taxonomies
- [Bonfire:Geolocate]( - places
- [Bonfire.Common]( - common utils
- [Bonfire.Me]( - accounts, user profiles...
- [Bonfire.Social]( - feeds, activities, posts, boosting, flagging, etc...
- [Bonfire.UI.Social]( - interface for basic social activities
- [Bonfire.Boundaries]( - define circles and associated privacy or permissions
- [Bonfire.Federate.ActivityPub]( - federates activities with ActivityPub to participate in the fediverse
- [Bonfire.Tag]( - @ mentions, hashtags, and tagging using topics/categories from Bonfire.Classify
- [Bonfire.Classify]( - categories & classifications in taxonomies
- [Bonfire.Geolocate]( - places
## More information

View file

@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
## Reflow, powered by Bonfire + ValueFlows
# Reflow
This app is part of the [Bonfire]( and [ValueFlows]( ecosystems and bundles the following extensions:
- [Bonfire:Common]( - common utils
- [Bonfire:Me]( - accounts, user profiles...
- [Bonfire:Social]( - feeds, activities, posts, boosting, flagging, etc...
- [Bonfire:UI:Social]( - interface for basic social activities
- [Bonfire:Boundaries]( - define circles and associated privacy or permissions
- [Bonfire:Federate:ActivityPub]( - federates activities with ActivityPub to participate in the fediverse
- [Bonfire:Tag]( - @ mentions, hashtags, and tagging using topics/categories from Bonfire:Classify
- [Bonfire:Classify]( - categories & classifications in taxonomies
- [Bonfire:Geolocate]( - places
- [Bonfire:Quantify]( - units & measures
- [Bonfire:ValueFlows]( - economic activities with ValueFlows
- [Bonfire:ValueFlows:Observe]( - observation of economic resources
- [Bonfire:API:GraphQL]( - a GraphQL client API
- [Bonfire:UI:ValueFlows]( - reusable frontend components for economic activities
- [Bonfire:UI:Reflow]( - frontend for the Reflow project
- [Bonfire.Common]( - common utils
- [Bonfire.Me]( - accounts, user profiles...
- [Bonfire.Social]( - feeds, activities, posts, boosting, flagging, etc...
- [Bonfire.UI.Social]( - interface for basic social activities
- [Bonfire.Boundaries]( - define circles and associated privacy or permissions
- [Bonfire.Federate.ActivityPub]( - federates activities with ActivityPub to participate in the fediverse
- [Bonfire.Tag]( - @ mentions, hashtags, and tagging using topics/categories from Bonfire.Classify
- [Bonfire.Classify]( - categories & classifications in taxonomies
- [Bonfire.Geolocate]( - places
- [Bonfire.Quantify]( - units & measures
- [Bonfire.ValueFlows]( - economic activities with ValueFlows
- [Bonfire.ValueFlows.Observe]( - observation of economic resources
- [Bonfire.API.GraphQL]( - a GraphQL client API
- [Bonfire.UI.ValueFlows]( - reusable frontend components for economic activities
- [Bonfire.UI.Reflow]( - frontend for the Reflow project
## More information

View file

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
defmodule Bonfire.Application do
@moduledoc false
@sup_name Bonfire.Supervisor
@name Mix.Project.config()[:name]

View file

@ -2,10 +2,20 @@ Code.eval_file("mess.exs")
defmodule Bonfire.MixProject do
use Mix.Project
@config [
@config [ # TODO: put these in ENV or an external writeable config file similar to deps.*
version: "0.1.0-beta.74", # note that the flavour will automatically be added where the dash appears
elixir: "~> 1.12",
default_flavour: "classic",
logo: "assets/static/images/bonfire-icon.png",
docs: [
# "docs/",
deps_prefixes: [
docs: ["bonfire_"],
test: ["bonfire_", "pointers", "paginator"],
@ -31,19 +41,13 @@ defmodule Bonfire.MixProject do
docs: [
# The first page to display from the docs
main: "readme",
logo: "assets/static/images/bonfire-icon.png",
# extra pages to include
extras: [
# "docs/",
logo: @config[:logo],
output: "docs/exdoc",
source_beam: docs_paths()
# extra pages to include
extras: readme_paths(),
# extra apps to include
source_beam: docs_paths(),
deps: doc_deps()
@ -179,11 +183,17 @@ defmodule Bonfire.MixProject do
def docs_paths() do
build = Mix.Project.build_path()
([:bonfire] ++ deps(:docs))
|>, build))
defp docs_apps(), do: [:bonfire] ++ deps(:docs)
defp docs_path(app, build \\ Mix.Project.build_path()), do: Path.join([build, "lib", dep_name(app), "ebin"])
defp docs_path(app, build), do: Path.join([build, "lib", dep_name(app), "ebin"])
def readme_paths(), do: (@config[:docs] ++"flavours/*/"), &flavour_readme/1) ++, &readme_path/1))
defp readme_path(dep), do: {dep_paths(dep, "") |> List.first |> String.to_atom, [filename: dep_name(dep)]}
def flavour_readme(path), do: {path |> String.to_atom, [filename: path |> String.split("/") |>]}
defp doc_deps(), do: deps(:docs) |> #[plug: "https://myserver/plug/"]
defp doc_dep(dep), do: {elem(dep, 0), "./"}
# Specifies which paths to include when running tests
defp test_paths(), do: ["test" | Enum.flat_map(deps(:test), &dep_paths(&1, "test"))]