Mayel de Borniol 2024-04-08 00:58:24 +01:00
parent a6f4888a70
commit 5ecf77be1d
2 changed files with 30 additions and 29 deletions

View file

@ -18,20 +18,20 @@ ENV HOME=/opt/app/ TERM=xterm MIX_ENV=prod FLAVOUR_PATH=./
# Prepare elixir deps
COPY mix.exs ./
COPY lib/mix ./lib/mix
COPY --link mix.exs ./
COPY --link lib/mix ./lib/mix
# sometimes mix tries to read the config
RUN mkdir -p ./config
COPY data/current_flavour/config/config_basics.exs ./config/config.exs
COPY --link data/current_flavour/config/config_basics.exs ./config/config.exs
RUN mix do local.hex --force, local.rebar --force
# FIXME: copying mix.lock here means the optimisations of fetching hex and git deps seperately are useless, so commenting those for now
COPY mix.lock ./
COPY --link mix.lock ./
# # first get deps from
# COPY data/current_flavour/config/deps*hex ./config/
# COPY --parents flavours/*/config/deps*hex ./
# COPY --link data/current_flavour/config/deps*hex ./config/
# COPY --parents --link flavours/*/config/deps*hex ./
# # RUN mix deps.get --only prod
# RUN HEX_HTTP_CONCURRENCY=1 HEX_HTTP_TIMEOUT=120 mix deps.get --only prod
@ -41,14 +41,14 @@ COPY mix.lock ./
# RUN if [ "$FORKS_TO_COPY_PATH" = "data/null" ] ; then MIX_ENV=prod mix deps.compile ; else echo "Skip" ; fi
# # add flavour's git deps (typically Bonfire extensions)
# COPY data/current_flavour/config/deps*git ./config/
# COPY --parents flavours/*/config/deps*git ./
# COPY --link data/current_flavour/config/deps*git ./config/
# COPY --parents --link flavours/*/config/deps*git ./
# # fetch more deps/extensions
# RUN mix deps.get --only prod
# add main dep sources
COPY data/current_flavour/config/deps.* ./config/
COPY --link data/current_flavour/config/deps.* ./config/
RUN ls -la config/*
RUN mix deps.get --only prod
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ RUN mix deps.get --only prod
## add extra deps
# from other flavours
COPY --parents flavours/*/config/* ./
COPY --parents --link flavours/*/config/* ./
# specified by the core app
RUN cp -rfL deps/bonfire/deps.* ./config/
RUN ls -la config/* && ls flavours/*/config/*
@ -67,11 +67,11 @@ RUN ls -la config/* && ls flavours/*/config/*
# RUN HEX_HTTP_CONCURRENCY=1 HEX_HTTP_TIMEOUT=120 mix deps.get --only prod
# we need config before compiling Bonfire extensions
COPY data/current_flavour/config/ ./config/
COPY --link data/current_flavour/config/ ./config/
# Optionally include local forks
RUN if [ "$FORKS_TO_COPY_PATH" = "data/null" ] ; then rm ./config/deps*path && rm ./flavours/*/config/deps*path ; else echo "Include locally forked extensions." ; fi
# Update Bonfire extensions to latest git version (mostly useful in CI, and temporary: eventually we want to rely on version numbers and lockfile)
# RUN mix bonfire.deps.update
@ -81,26 +81,23 @@ RUN mix deps.get --only prod
RUN ls deps/
# Include translations
COPY priv/localisation/ priv/localisation/
COPY --link priv/localisation/ priv/localisation/
# RUN ls -la priv/localisation/
# copy these before compiling so we don't override things like flavour_assets/components.css (generated by Surface compiler)
COPY data/current_flavour/config/flavour_assets data/current_flavour/config/flavour_assets
COPY --link data/current_flavour/config/flavour_assets data/current_flavour/config/flavour_assets
RUN ls -la data/current_flavour/config/flavour_assets
# docs/guides
COPY docs/*.md ./docs/
# Compile remaining deps
# RUN MIX_ENV=prod mix deps.compile # disabled because doesn't properly compile Surface hooks/CSS
# JS package manager
# RUN npm install -g pnpm
# install JS deps
# COPY assets/package.json ./assets/
# COPY assets/pnpm-lock.yaml ./assets/
# COPY assets/yarn.lock ./assets/
COPY --link ./
# COPY --link assets/package.json ./assets/
# COPY --link assets/pnpm-lock.yaml ./assets/
# COPY --link assets/yarn.lock ./assets/
RUN chmod +x config/*.sh
RUN chmod +x ./*.sh
RUN sh config/
@ -109,10 +106,9 @@ RUN sh config/
# Update mime types
RUN MIX_ENV=prod mix deps.clean --build mime
# bonfire-app code & assets
COPY lib lib
# COPY assets assets
COPY --link lib lib
# COPY --link assets assets
# RUN ls -la assets/static
# workaround for compilation errors
@ -124,22 +120,26 @@ RUN MIX_ENV=prod mix deps.clean needle_ulid jason poison --build
RUN MIX_ENV=prod mix compile
# Include any migrations provided by flavour (maybe not needed?)
# COPY data/current_flavour/repo priv/repo
# COPY --link data/current_flavour/repo priv/repo
RUN mkdir -p priv/repo/migrations
# Copy DB/repo migrations from installed extensions
RUN mix bonfire.extension.copy_migrations --force --to priv/repo/migrations
# docs/guides
COPY --link LICENSE ./
COPY --link ./*.md ./
COPY --link docs/*.md ./docs/
# include an archive of the source code
RUN mkdir -p apps/
RUN mkdir -p extensions/
RUN mkdir -p forks/
RUN mkdir -p priv/static/
# COPY priv/extras/ priv/extras/
# COPY --link priv/extras/ priv/extras/
# prepare static assets
COPY data/current_flavour/config/deps_hooks.js data/current_flavour/config/deps_hooks.js
COPY --link data/current_flavour/config/deps_hooks.js data/current_flavour/config/deps_hooks.js
RUN cd ./deps/bonfire_ui_common/assets && yarn && yarn build
RUN MIX_ENV=prod CI=1 mix phx.digest
RUN ls -la priv/static

View file

@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ More details at",
show_activity_counts: false,
show_profile_background_image: true,
# should be enabled if using any extra extensions (other than social) or if you used some in the past and still want to display the old activities
feed_object_extension_preloads_disabled: true,
# TODO: check if / how much this slows down the app
feed_object_extension_preloads_disabled: false,
# end theme
hide_app_switcher: true,
rich_text_editor_disabled: false,