//! Queue for signing and sending outgoing activities with retry //! #![doc = include_str!("../docs/09_sending_activities.md")] use crate::{ config::Data, error::Error, http_signatures::sign_request, reqwest_shim::ResponseExt, traits::{ActivityHandler, Actor}, FEDERATION_CONTENT_TYPE, }; use bytes::Bytes; use futures::StreamExt; use http::{header::HeaderName, HeaderMap, HeaderValue}; use httpdate::fmt_http_date; use itertools::Itertools; use openssl::pkey::{PKey, Private}; use reqwest::Request; use reqwest_middleware::ClientWithMiddleware; use serde::Serialize; use std::{ self, fmt::{Debug, Display}, time::{Duration, SystemTime}, }; use tracing::debug; use url::Url; #[derive(Clone, Debug)] /// all info needed to send one activity to one inbox pub struct SendActivityTask<'a> { actor_id: &'a Url, activity_id: &'a Url, activity: Bytes, inbox: Url, private_key: PKey, http_signature_compat: bool, } impl Display for SendActivityTask<'_> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(f, "{} to {}", self.activity_id, self.inbox) } } impl SendActivityTask<'_> { /// prepare an activity for sending /// /// - `activity`: The activity to be sent, gets converted to json /// - `inboxes`: List of remote actor inboxes that should receive the activity. Ignores local actor /// inboxes. Should be built by calling [crate::traits::Actor::shared_inbox_or_inbox] /// for each target actor. pub async fn prepare<'a, Activity, Datatype, ActorType>( activity: &'a Activity, actor: &ActorType, inboxes: Vec, data: &Data, ) -> Result>, Error> where Activity: ActivityHandler + Serialize, Datatype: Clone, ActorType: Actor, { let config = &data.config; let actor_id = activity.actor(); let activity_id = activity.id(); let activity_serialized: Bytes = serde_json::to_vec(&activity).map_err(Error::Json)?.into(); let private_key = get_pkey_cached(data, actor).await?; Ok(futures::stream::iter( inboxes .into_iter() .unique() .filter(|i| !config.is_local_url(i)), ) .filter_map(|inbox| async { if let Err(err) = config.verify_url_valid(&inbox).await { debug!("inbox url invalid, skipping: {inbox}: {err}"); return None; }; Some(SendActivityTask { actor_id, activity_id, inbox, activity: activity_serialized.clone(), private_key: private_key.clone(), http_signature_compat: config.http_signature_compat, }) }) .collect() .await) } /// convert a sendactivitydata to a request, signing and sending it pub async fn sign_and_send(&self, data: &Data) -> Result<(), Error> { let req = self .sign(&data.config.client, data.config.request_timeout) .await?; self.send(&data.config.client, req).await } async fn sign( &self, client: &ClientWithMiddleware, timeout: Duration, ) -> Result { let task = self; let request_builder = client .post(task.inbox.to_string()) .timeout(timeout) .headers(generate_request_headers(&task.inbox)); let request = sign_request( request_builder, task.actor_id, task.activity.clone(), task.private_key.clone(), task.http_signature_compat, ) .await?; Ok(request) } async fn send(&self, client: &ClientWithMiddleware, request: Request) -> Result<(), Error> { let response = client.execute(request).await?; match response { o if o.status().is_success() => { debug!("Activity {self} delivered successfully"); Ok(()) } o if o.status().is_client_error() => { let text = o.text_limited().await?; debug!("Activity {self} was rejected, aborting: {text}"); Ok(()) } o => { let status = o.status(); let text = o.text_limited().await?; Err(Error::Other(format!( "Activity {self} failure with status {status}: {text}", ))) } } } } async fn get_pkey_cached( data: &Data, actor: &ActorType, ) -> Result, Error> where ActorType: Actor, { let actor_id = actor.id(); // PKey is internally like an Arc<>, so cloning is ok data.config .actor_pkey_cache .try_get_with_by_ref(&actor_id, async { let private_key_pem = actor.private_key_pem().ok_or_else(|| { Error::Other(format!( "Actor {actor_id} does not contain a private key for signing" )) })?; // This is a mostly expensive blocking call, we don't want to tie up other tasks while this is happening let pkey = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || { PKey::private_key_from_pem(private_key_pem.as_bytes()).map_err(|err| { Error::Other(format!("Could not create private key from PEM data:{err}")) }) }) .await .map_err(|err| Error::Other(format!("Error joining: {err}")))??; std::result::Result::, Error>::Ok(pkey) }) .await .map_err(|e| Error::Other(format!("cloned error: {e}"))) } pub(crate) fn generate_request_headers(inbox_url: &Url) -> HeaderMap { let mut host = inbox_url.domain().expect("read inbox domain").to_string(); if let Some(port) = inbox_url.port() { host = format!("{}:{}", host, port); } let mut headers = HeaderMap::new(); headers.insert( HeaderName::from_static("content-type"), HeaderValue::from_static(FEDERATION_CONTENT_TYPE), ); headers.insert( HeaderName::from_static("host"), HeaderValue::from_str(&host).expect("Hostname is valid"), ); headers.insert( "date", HeaderValue::from_str(&fmt_http_date(SystemTime::now())).expect("Date is valid"), ); headers } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use axum::extract::State; use bytes::Bytes; use http::StatusCode; use std::{ sync::{atomic::AtomicUsize, Arc}, time::Instant, }; use tracing::info; use crate::{config::FederationConfig, http_signatures::generate_actor_keypair}; use super::*; #[allow(unused)] // This will periodically send back internal errors to test the retry async fn dodgy_handler( State(state): State>, headers: HeaderMap, body: Bytes, ) -> Result<(), StatusCode> { debug!("Headers:{:?}", headers); debug!("Body len:{}", body.len()); /*if state.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed) % 20 == 0 { return Err(StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); }*/ Ok(()) } async fn test_server() { use axum::{routing::post, Router}; // We should break every now and then ;) let state = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0)); let app = Router::new() .route("/", post(dodgy_handler)) .with_state(state); axum::Server::bind(&"".parse().unwrap()) .serve(app.into_make_service()) .await .unwrap(); } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] // Sends 100 messages async fn test_activity_sending() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let num_messages: usize = 100; tokio::spawn(test_server()); /* // uncomment for debug logs & stats use tracing::log::LevelFilter; env_logger::builder() .filter_level(LevelFilter::Warn) .filter_module("activitypub_federation", LevelFilter::Info) .format_timestamp(None) .init(); */ let keypair = generate_actor_keypair().unwrap(); let message = SendActivityTask { actor_id: &"http://localhost:8001".parse().unwrap(), activity_id: &"http://localhost:8001/activity".parse().unwrap(), activity: "{}".into(), inbox: "http://localhost:8001".parse().unwrap(), private_key: keypair.private_key().unwrap(), http_signature_compat: true, }; let data = FederationConfig::builder() .app_data(()) .domain("localhost") .build() .await? .to_request_data(); let start = Instant::now(); for _ in 0..num_messages { message.sign_and_send(&data).await?; } info!("Queue Sent: {:?}", start.elapsed()); Ok(()) } }