import DesignSystem import EmojiText import Env import Foundation import Models import Network import Shimmer import SwiftUI @MainActor public struct StatusRowView: View { @Environment(\.openWindow) private var openWindow @Environment(\.isInCaptureMode) private var isInCaptureMode: Bool @Environment(\.redactionReasons) private var reasons @Environment(\.isCompact) private var isCompact: Bool @Environment(\.accessibilityVoiceOverEnabled) private var accessibilityVoiceOverEnabled @Environment(\.isStatusFocused) private var isFocused @Environment(\.isStatusReplyToPrevious) private var isStatusReplyToPrevious @Environment(QuickLook.self) private var quickLook @Environment(Theme.self) private var theme @State private var viewModel: StatusRowViewModel public init(viewModel: StatusRowViewModel) { _viewModel = .init(initialValue: viewModel) } var contextMenu: some View { StatusRowContextMenu(viewModel: viewModel) } public var body: some View { HStack(spacing: 0) { if isStatusReplyToPrevious { Rectangle() .fill(theme.tintColor) .frame(width: 2) .accessibilityHidden(true) Spacer(minLength: 8) } VStack(alignment: .leading) { if viewModel.isFiltered, let filter = viewModel.filter { switch filter.filter.filterAction { case .warn: makeFilterView(filter: filter.filter) case .hide: EmptyView() } } else { if !isCompact, theme.avatarPosition == .leading { Group { StatusRowReblogView(viewModel: viewModel) StatusRowReplyView(viewModel: viewModel) } .padding(.leading, AvatarView.Size.status.size.width + .statusColumnsSpacing) } HStack(alignment: .top, spacing: .statusColumnsSpacing) { if !isCompact, theme.avatarPosition == .leading { Button { viewModel.navigateToAccountDetail(account: viewModel.finalStatus.account) } label: { AvatarView(url: viewModel.finalStatus.account.avatar, size: .status) } } VStack(alignment: .leading) { if !isCompact, theme.avatarPosition == .top { StatusRowReblogView(viewModel: viewModel) StatusRowReplyView(viewModel: viewModel) } VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 8) { if !isCompact { StatusRowHeaderView(viewModel: viewModel) } StatusRowContentView(viewModel: viewModel) .contentShape(Rectangle()) .onTapGesture { guard !isFocused else { return } viewModel.navigateToDetail() } .accessibilityActions { if isFocused, viewModel.showActions { accessibilityActions } } } VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 12) { if viewModel.showActions, isFocused || theme.statusActionsDisplay != .none, !isInCaptureMode { StatusRowActionsView(viewModel: viewModel) .padding(.top, 8) .tint(isFocused ? theme.tintColor : .gray) .contentShape(Rectangle()) .onTapGesture { guard !isFocused else { return } viewModel.navigateToDetail() } } if isFocused, !isCompact { StatusRowDetailView(viewModel: viewModel) } } } } } } } .onAppear { viewModel.markSeen() if reasons.isEmpty { if !isCompact, viewModel.embeddedStatus == nil { Task { await viewModel.loadEmbeddedStatus() } } } } .contextMenu { contextMenu .onAppear { Task { await viewModel.loadAuthorRelationship() } } } .swipeActions(edge: .trailing) { // The actions associated with the swipes are exposed as custom accessibility actions and there is no way to remove them. if !isCompact, accessibilityVoiceOverEnabled == false { StatusRowSwipeView(viewModel: viewModel, mode: .trailing) } } .swipeActions(edge: .leading) { // The actions associated with the swipes are exposed as custom accessibility actions and there is no way to remove them. if !isCompact, accessibilityVoiceOverEnabled == false { StatusRowSwipeView(viewModel: viewModel, mode: .leading) } } .listRowBackground(viewModel.highlightRowColor) .listRowInsets(.init(top: 12, leading: .layoutPadding, bottom: 12, trailing: .layoutPadding)) .accessibilityElement(children: isFocused ? .contain : .combine) .accessibilityLabel(isFocused == false && accessibilityVoiceOverEnabled ? CombinedAccessibilityLabel(viewModel: viewModel).finalLabel() : Text("")) .accessibilityHidden(viewModel.filter?.filter.filterAction == .hide) .accessibilityAction { guard !isFocused else { return } viewModel.navigateToDetail() } .accessibilityActions { if isFocused == false, viewModel.showActions { accessibilityActions } } .background { Color.clear .contentShape(Rectangle()) .onTapGesture { guard !isFocused else { return } viewModel.navigateToDetail() } } .overlay { if viewModel.isLoadingRemoteContent { remoteContentLoadingView } } .alert(isPresented: $viewModel.showDeleteAlert, content: { Alert( title: Text("status.action.delete.confirm.title"), message: Text("status.action.delete.confirm.message"), primaryButton: .destructive( Text("status.action.delete")) { Task { await viewModel.delete() } }, secondaryButton: .cancel() ) }) .alignmentGuide(.listRowSeparatorLeading) { _ in -100 } .environment( StatusDataControllerProvider.shared.dataController(for: viewModel.finalStatus, client: viewModel.client) ) } @ViewBuilder private var accessibilityActions: some View { // Add reply and quote, which are lost when the swipe actions are removed Button("status.action.reply") { HapticManager.shared.fireHaptic(of: .notification(.success)) viewModel.routerPath.presentedSheet = .replyToStatusEditor(status: viewModel.status) } Button("settings.swipeactions.status.action.quote") { HapticManager.shared.fireHaptic(of: .notification(.success)) viewModel.routerPath.presentedSheet = .quoteStatusEditor(status: viewModel.status) } .disabled(viewModel.status.visibility == .direct || viewModel.status.visibility == .priv) if viewModel.finalStatus.mediaAttachments.isEmpty == false { Button("") { HapticManager.shared.fireHaptic(of: .notification(.success)) let attachments = viewModel.finalStatus.mediaAttachments if ProcessInfo.processInfo.isMacCatalystApp { openWindow(value: WindowDestination.mediaViewer(attachments: attachments, selectedAttachment: attachments[0])) } else { quickLook.prepareFor(selectedMediaAttachment: attachments[0], mediaAttachments: attachments) } } } Button(viewModel.displaySpoiler ? "" : "") { withAnimation { viewModel.displaySpoiler.toggle() } } Button("@\(viewModel.status.account.username)") { HapticManager.shared.fireHaptic(of: .notification(.success)) viewModel.routerPath.navigate(to: .accountDetail(id: } // Add a reference to the post creator if viewModel.status.account != viewModel.finalStatus.account { Button("@\(viewModel.finalStatus.account.username)") { HapticManager.shared.fireHaptic(of: .notification(.success)) viewModel.routerPath.navigate(to: .accountDetail(id: } } // Add in each detected link in the content ForEach(viewModel.finalStatus.content.links) { link in switch link.type { case .url: if UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(link.url) { Button("accessibility.tabs.timeline.content-link-\(link.title)") { HapticManager.shared.fireHaptic(of: .notification(.success)) _ = viewModel.routerPath.handle(url: link.url) } } case .hashtag: Button("accessibility.tabs.timeline.content-hashtag-\(link.title)") { HapticManager.shared.fireHaptic(of: .notification(.success)) _ = viewModel.routerPath.handle(url: link.url) } case .mention: Button("\(link.title)") { HapticManager.shared.fireHaptic(of: .notification(.success)) _ = viewModel.routerPath.handle(url: link.url) } } } } private func makeFilterView(filter: Filter) -> some View { HStack { Text("status.filter.filtered-by-\(filter.title)") Button { withAnimation { viewModel.isFiltered = false } } label: { Text("") } } .accessibilityAction { viewModel.isFiltered = false } } private var remoteContentLoadingView: some View { ZStack(alignment: .center) { VStack { Spacer() HStack { Spacer() ProgressView() Spacer() } Spacer() } } .background( .transition(.opacity) } } /// A utility that creates a suitable combined accessibility label for a `StatusRowView` that is not focused. @MainActor private struct CombinedAccessibilityLabel { let viewModel: StatusRowViewModel var hasSpoiler: Bool { viewModel.displaySpoiler && viewModel.finalStatus.spoilerText.asRawText.isEmpty == false } var isReply: Bool { if let accountId = viewModel.status.inReplyToAccountId, viewModel.status.mentions.contains(where: { $ == accountId }) { return true } return false } var isBoost: Bool { viewModel.status.reblog != nil } var filter: Filter? { guard viewModel.isFiltered else { return nil } return viewModel.filter?.filter } func finalLabel() -> Text { if let filter { switch filter.filterAction { case .warn: Text("status.filter.filtered-by-\(filter.title)") case .hide: Text("") } } else { userNamePreamble() + Text(hasSpoiler ? viewModel.finalStatus.spoilerText.asRawText : viewModel.finalStatus.content.asRawText ) + Text(hasSpoiler ? "status.editor.spoiler" : "" ) + Text(", ") + pollText() + imageAltText() + Text(viewModel.finalStatus.createdAt.relativeFormatted) + Text(", ") + Text("status.summary.n-replies \(viewModel.finalStatus.repliesCount)") + Text(", ") + Text("status.summary.n-boosts \(viewModel.finalStatus.reblogsCount)") + Text(", ") + Text("status.summary.n-favorites \(viewModel.finalStatus.favouritesCount)") } } func userNamePreamble() -> Text { switch (isReply, isBoost) { case (true, false): Text("accessibility.status.a-replied-to-\(finalUserDisplayName())") + Text(" ") case (_, true): Text("accessibility.status.a-boosted-b-\(userDisplayName())-\(finalUserDisplayName())") + Text(", ") default: Text(userDisplayName()) + Text(", ") } } func userDisplayName() -> String { viewModel.status.account.displayNameWithoutEmojis.count < 4 ? viewModel.status.account.safeDisplayName : viewModel.status.account.displayNameWithoutEmojis } func finalUserDisplayName() -> String { viewModel.finalStatus.account.displayNameWithoutEmojis.count < 4 ? viewModel.finalStatus.account.safeDisplayName : viewModel.finalStatus.account.displayNameWithoutEmojis } func imageAltText() -> Text { let descriptions = viewModel.finalStatus.mediaAttachments .compactMap(\.description) if descriptions.count == 1 { return Text("accessibility.image.alt-text-\(descriptions[0])") + Text(", ") } else if descriptions.count > 1 { return Text("accessibility.image.alt-text-\(descriptions[0])") + Text(", ") + Text("accessibility.image.alt-text-more.label") + Text(", ") } else if viewModel.finalStatus.mediaAttachments.isEmpty == false { let differentTypes = Set(viewModel.finalStatus.mediaAttachments.compactMap(\.localizedTypeDescription)).sorted() return Text("accessibility.status.contains-media.label-\(ListFormatter.localizedString(byJoining: differentTypes))") + Text(", ") } else { return Text("") } } func pollText() -> Text { if let poll = viewModel.finalStatus.poll { let showPercentage = poll.expired || poll.voted ?? false let title: LocalizedStringKey = poll.expired ? "accessibility.status.poll.finished.label" : "" return poll.options.enumerated().reduce(into: Text(title)) { text, pair in let (index, option) = pair let selected = poll.ownVotes?.contains(index) ?? false let percentage = poll.safeVotersCount > 0 && option.votesCount != nil ? Int(round(Double(option.votesCount!) / Double(poll.safeVotersCount) * 100)) : 0 text = text + Text(selected ? "accessibility.status.poll.selected.label" : "") + Text(", ") + Text("accessibility.status.poll.option-prefix-\(index + 1)-of-\(poll.options.count)") + Text(", ") + Text(option.title) + Text(showPercentage ? ", \(percentage)%. " : ". ") } } return Text("") } }