// app.rs // // Copyright 2021 Stéphane Cerveau // // This file is part of GstPipelineStudio // // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only use glib::SignalHandlerId; use gtk::gdk; use gtk::prelude::*; use gtk::{gio, gio::SimpleAction, glib, graphene}; use gtk::{ Application, ApplicationWindow, Builder, Button, FileChooserAction, FileChooserDialog, Paned, PopoverMenu, ResponseType, Statusbar, Widget, }; use log::error; use once_cell::unsync::OnceCell; use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell}; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fs::File; use std::io::{Read, Write}; use std::ops; use std::rc::{Rc, Weak}; use crate::gps as GPS; use crate::graphbook; use crate::logger; use crate::settings::Settings; use crate::ui as GPSUI; use crate::{GPS_DEBUG, GPS_ERROR, GPS_TRACE, GPS_WARN}; use crate::graphmanager as GM; use crate::graphmanager::PropertyExt; use std::fmt; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct GPSAppInner { pub window: gtk::ApplicationWindow, pub current_graphtab: Cell, pub graphbook: RefCell>, pub builder: Builder, pub plugin_list_initialized: OnceCell, pub signal_handlers: RefCell>, } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum AppState { Ready, Playing, Paused, Stopped, Error, } impl fmt::Display for AppState { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{self:?}",) } } // This represents our main application window. #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct GPSApp(Rc); // Deref into the contained struct to make usage a bit more ergonomic impl ops::Deref for GPSApp { type Target = GPSAppInner; fn deref(&self) -> &GPSAppInner { &self.0 } } // Weak reference to our application struct // // Weak references are important to prevent reference cycles. Reference cycles are cases where // struct A references directly or indirectly struct B, and struct B references struct A again // while both are using reference counting. pub struct GPSAppWeak(Weak); impl GPSAppWeak { // Upgrade to a strong reference if it still exists pub fn upgrade(&self) -> Option { self.0.upgrade().map(GPSApp) } } impl GPSApp { fn new(application: >k::Application) -> anyhow::Result { let glade_src = include_str!("ui/gps.ui"); let builder = Builder::from_string(glade_src); let window: ApplicationWindow = builder .object("mainwindow") .expect("Couldn't get the main window"); window.set_application(Some(application)); window.set_title(Some("GStreamer Pipeline Studio")); let app = GPSApp(Rc::new(GPSAppInner { window, current_graphtab: Cell::new(0), graphbook: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()), builder, plugin_list_initialized: OnceCell::new(), signal_handlers: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()), })); let settings = Settings::load_settings(); app.window .set_default_size(settings.app_width, settings.app_height); #[cfg(not(target_os = "macos"))] if settings.app_maximized { app.window.maximize(); } app.set_paned_position(&settings, "graph_dashboard-paned", 100); app.set_paned_position(&settings, "graph_logs-paned", 100); app.set_paned_position(&settings, "elements_preview-paned", 100); app.set_paned_position(&settings, "elements_properties-paned", 100); app.set_paned_position(&settings, "playcontrols_position-paned", 100); Ok(app) } fn set_paned_position( &self, settings: &Settings, paned_name: &str, paned_default_position: i32, ) { let paned: Paned = self .builder .object(paned_name) .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Couldn't get {}", paned_name)); paned.set_position( *settings .paned_positions .get(paned_name) .unwrap_or(&paned_default_position), ); } fn save_paned_position(&self, settings: &mut Settings, paned_name: &str) { let paned: Paned = self .builder .object(paned_name) .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Couldn't get {}", paned_name)); settings .paned_positions .insert(paned_name.to_string(), paned.position()); } pub fn on_startup(application: >k::Application) { // Create application and error out if that fails for whatever reason let app = match GPSApp::new(application) { Ok(app) => app, Err(err) => { error!("Error creating application: {}", err); return; } }; // When the application is activated show the UI. This happens when the first process is // started, and in the first process whenever a second process is started let app_weak = app.downgrade(); application.connect_activate(glib::clone!(@weak application => move |_| { let app = upgrade_weak!(app_weak); app.build_ui(&application); })); let app_weak = app.downgrade(); let slider: gtk::Scale = app .builder .object("scale-position") .expect("Couldn't get status_bar"); let slider_update_signal_id = slider.connect_value_changed(move |slider| { let app = upgrade_weak!(app_weak); let value = slider.value() as u64; GPS_TRACE!("Seeking to {} s", value); if graphbook::current_graphtab(&app) .player() .set_position(value) .is_err() { GPS_ERROR!("Seeking to {} failed", value); } }); let app_weak = app.downgrade(); let timeout_id = glib::timeout_add_local(std::time::Duration::from_millis(500), move || { let app = upgrade_weak!(app_weak, glib::ControlFlow::Break); let label: gtk::Label = app .builder .object("label-position") .expect("Couldn't get status_bar"); let slider: gtk::Scale = app .builder .object("scale-position") .expect("Couldn't get status_bar"); let position = graphbook::current_graphtab(&app).player().position(); let duration = graphbook::current_graphtab(&app).player().duration(); slider.set_range(0.0, duration as f64 / 1000_f64); slider.block_signal(&slider_update_signal_id); slider.set_value(position as f64 / 1000_f64); slider.unblock_signal(&slider_update_signal_id); // Query the current playing position from the underlying player. let position_desc = graphbook::current_graphtab(&app) .player() .position_description(); // Display the playing position in the gui. label.set_text(&position_desc); // Tell the callback to continue calling this closure. glib::ControlFlow::Continue }); let timeout_id = RefCell::new(Some(timeout_id)); let app_container = RefCell::new(Some(app)); application.connect_shutdown(move |_| { let app = app_container .borrow_mut() .take() .expect("Shutdown called multiple times"); let window: ApplicationWindow = app .builder .object("mainwindow") .expect("Couldn't get the main window"); let mut settings = Settings::load_settings(); settings.app_maximized = window.is_maximized(); settings.app_width = window.default_width(); settings.app_height = window.default_height(); app.save_paned_position(&mut settings, "graph_dashboard-paned"); app.save_paned_position(&mut settings, "graph_logs-paned"); app.save_paned_position(&mut settings, "elements_preview-paned"); app.save_paned_position(&mut settings, "elements_properties-paned"); app.save_paned_position(&mut settings, "playcontrols_position-paned"); Settings::save_settings(&settings); let pop_menu: PopoverMenu = app .builder .object("app_pop_menu") .expect("Couldn't get app_pop_menu"); pop_menu.unparent(); if let Some(timeout_id) = timeout_id.borrow_mut().take() { timeout_id.remove(); } app.drop(); }); } fn setup_app_actions(&self, application: >k::Application) { application.add_action(&gio::SimpleAction::new("new-window", None)); application.set_accels_for_action("app.new-window", &["n"]); application.add_action(&gio::SimpleAction::new("open", None)); application.set_accels_for_action("app.open", &["o"]); application.add_action(&gio::SimpleAction::new("open_pipeline", None)); application.set_accels_for_action("app.open_pipeline", &["p"]); application.add_action(&gio::SimpleAction::new("save_as", None)); application.add_action(&gio::SimpleAction::new("save", None)); application.set_accels_for_action("app.save", &["s"]); application.add_action(&gio::SimpleAction::new("save_as", None)); application.add_action(&gio::SimpleAction::new("delete", None)); application.set_accels_for_action("app.delete", &["d", "Delete"]); application.add_action(&gio::SimpleAction::new("preferences", None)); application.set_accels_for_action("app.preferences", &["p"]); application.add_action(&gio::SimpleAction::new("about", None)); application.set_accels_for_action("app.about", &["a"]); application.add_action(&gio::SimpleAction::new("favorite.remove", None)); application.add_action(&gio::SimpleAction::new("logger.clear", None)); application.add_action(&gio::SimpleAction::new("graph.check", None)); application.add_action(&gio::SimpleAction::new("graph.clear", None)); application.add_action(&gio::SimpleAction::new("graph.pipeline_details", None)); application.add_action(&gio::SimpleAction::new("port.delete", None)); application.add_action(&gio::SimpleAction::new("port.properties", None)); application.add_action(&gio::SimpleAction::new("node.add-to-favorite", None)); application.add_action(&gio::SimpleAction::new("node.delete", None)); application.add_action(&gio::SimpleAction::new("node.request-pad-input", None)); application.add_action(&gio::SimpleAction::new("node.request-pad-output", None)); application.add_action(&gio::SimpleAction::new("node.properties", None)); } pub fn app_pop_menu_at_position( &self, widget: &impl IsA, x: f64, y: f64, ) -> PopoverMenu { let mainwindow: ApplicationWindow = self .builder .object("mainwindow") .expect("Couldn't get the main window"); let pop_menu: PopoverMenu = self .builder .object("app_pop_menu") .expect("Couldn't get app_pop_menu"); if let Some((x, y)) = widget.translate_coordinates(&mainwindow, x, y) { let point = graphene::Point::new(x as f32, y as f32); pop_menu.set_pointing_to(Some(&gdk::Rectangle::new( point.to_vec2().x() as i32, point.to_vec2().y() as i32, 0, 0, ))); } pop_menu } fn app_menu_action(&self, action_name: &str) -> SimpleAction { let application = gio::Application::default() .expect("No default application") .downcast::() .expect("Unable to downcast default application"); application .lookup_action(action_name) .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Unable to find action {}", action_name)) .dynamic_cast::() .expect("Unable to dynamic cast to SimpleAction") } pub fn disconnect_app_menu_action(&self, action_name: &str) { let action = self.app_menu_action(action_name); if let Some(signal_handler_id) = self.signal_handlers.borrow_mut().remove(action_name) { action.disconnect(signal_handler_id); } } pub fn connect_app_menu_action< F: Fn(&SimpleAction, std::option::Option<&glib::Variant>) + 'static, >( &self, action_name: &str, f: F, ) { let action = self.app_menu_action(action_name); self.disconnect_app_menu_action(action_name); let signal_handler_id = action.connect_activate(f); self.signal_handlers .borrow_mut() .insert(String::from(action_name), signal_handler_id); } fn connect_button_action(&self, button_name: &str, f: F) { let button: Button = self .builder .object(button_name) .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Couldn't get app_button {}", button_name)); button.connect_clicked(f); } fn get_file_from_dialog(app: &GPSApp, save: bool, f: F) { let mut message = "Open file"; let mut ok_button = "Open"; let cancel_button = "Cancel"; let mut action = FileChooserAction::Open; if save { message = "Save file"; ok_button = "Save"; action = FileChooserAction::Save; } let window: ApplicationWindow = app .builder .object("mainwindow") .expect("Couldn't get main window"); let file_chooser: FileChooserDialog = FileChooserDialog::new( Some(message), Some(&window), action, &[ (ok_button, ResponseType::Ok), (cancel_button, ResponseType::Cancel), ], ); let app_weak = app.downgrade(); file_chooser.connect_response(move |d: &FileChooserDialog, response: ResponseType| { let app = upgrade_weak!(app_weak); if response == ResponseType::Ok { let file = d.file().expect("Couldn't get file"); let filename = String::from( file.path() .expect("Couldn't get file path") .to_str() .expect("Unable to convert to string"), ); f(app, filename); } d.close(); }); file_chooser.show(); } pub fn set_app_state(&self, state: AppState) { let status_bar: Statusbar = self .builder .object("status_bar") .expect("Couldn't get status_bar"); status_bar.push(status_bar.context_id("Description"), &state.to_string()); } pub fn set_app_preview(&self, paintable: &gdk::Paintable, n_sink: usize) { let picture = gtk::Picture::new(); picture.set_paintable(Some(paintable)); let notebook_preview: gtk::Notebook = self .builder .object("notebook-preview") .expect("Couldn't get box_preview"); let mut n_video_sink = n_sink; for tab in self.graphbook.borrow().values() { n_video_sink += tab.player().n_video_sink(); } if n_video_sink == 0 { loop { let i = notebook_preview.n_pages(); if i == 0 { break; } notebook_preview.remove_page(Some(i - 1)); } } let box_preview = gtk::Box::builder() .orientation(gtk::Orientation::Vertical) .halign(gtk::Align::Center) .valign(gtk::Align::Center) .build(); box_preview.append(&picture); let label = gtk::Label::new(Some(&format!("Preview{n_video_sink}"))); notebook_preview.insert_page(&box_preview, Some(&label), None); notebook_preview.set_current_page(Some(n_video_sink as u32)); } pub fn build_ui(&self, application: &Application) { graphbook::setup_graphbook(self); graphbook::create_graphtab(self, 0, None); // Setup the logger to get messages into the TreeView let (ready_tx, ready_rx) = glib::MainContext::channel(glib::Priority::DEFAULT); let app_weak = self.downgrade(); logger::init_logger( ready_tx, Settings::log_file_path() .to_str() .expect("Unable to convert log file path to a string"), ); GPSUI::logger::setup_logger_list(self); let _ = ready_rx.attach(None, move |msg: String| { let app = upgrade_weak!(app_weak, glib::ControlFlow::Break); GPSUI::logger::add_to_logger_list(&app, &msg); glib::ControlFlow::Continue }); let window = &self.window; window.show(); self.set_app_state(AppState::Ready); self.setup_app_actions(application); let pop_menu: PopoverMenu = self .builder .object("app_pop_menu") .expect("Couldn't get app_pop_menu"); pop_menu.set_parent(window); let app_weak = self.downgrade(); self.connect_app_menu_action("new-window", move |_, _| { let app = upgrade_weak!(app_weak); let id = graphbook::graphbook_get_new_graphtab_id(&app); graphbook::create_graphtab(&app, id, None); let graphbook: gtk::Notebook = app .builder .object("graphbook") .expect("Couldn't get graphbook"); graphbook.set_current_page(Some(id)); }); let app_weak = self.downgrade(); self.connect_app_menu_action("open", move |_, _| { let app = upgrade_weak!(app_weak); GPSApp::get_file_from_dialog(&app, false, move |app, filename| { app.load_graph(&filename, false) .unwrap_or_else(|_| GPS_ERROR!("Unable to open file {}", filename)); }); }); let app_weak = self.downgrade(); self.connect_app_menu_action("open_pipeline", move |_, _| { let app = upgrade_weak!(app_weak); GPSUI::dialog::create_input_dialog( "Enter pipeline description with gst-launch format", "description", &Settings::recent_pipeline_description(), &app, move |app, pipeline_desc| { app.load_pipeline(&pipeline_desc) .unwrap_or_else(|_| GPS_ERROR!("Unable to open file {}", pipeline_desc)); Settings::set_recent_pipeline_description(&pipeline_desc); }, ); }); let app_weak = self.downgrade(); self.connect_app_menu_action("save", move |_, _| { let app = upgrade_weak!(app_weak); let gt = graphbook::current_graphtab(&app); if gt.undefined() { GPSApp::get_file_from_dialog(&app, true, move |app, filename| { GPS_DEBUG!("Save file {}", filename); app.save_graph(&filename) .unwrap_or_else(|_| GPS_ERROR!("Unable to save file to {}", filename)); graphbook::current_graphtab_set_filename(&app, filename.as_str()); }); } else if gt.modified() { let filename = gt.filename(); app.save_graph(&filename) .unwrap_or_else(|_| GPS_ERROR!("Unable to save file to {}", filename)); graphbook::current_graphtab_set_filename(&app, filename.as_str()); } }); let app_weak = self.downgrade(); self.connect_app_menu_action("save_as", move |_, _| { let app = upgrade_weak!(app_weak); GPSApp::get_file_from_dialog(&app, true, move |app, filename| { GPS_DEBUG!("Save file {}", filename); app.save_graph(&filename) .unwrap_or_else(|_| GPS_ERROR!("Unable to save file to {}", filename)); graphbook::current_graphtab_set_filename(&app, filename.as_str()); }); }); let app_weak = self.downgrade(); self.connect_app_menu_action("preferences", move |_, _| { let app = upgrade_weak!(app_weak); GPSUI::preferences::display_settings(&app); }); let app_weak = self.downgrade(); self.connect_app_menu_action("delete", move |_, _| { let app = upgrade_weak!(app_weak); graphbook::current_graphtab(&app) .graphview() .delete_selected(); }); let app_weak = self.downgrade(); self.connect_app_menu_action("about", move |_, _| { let app = upgrade_weak!(app_weak); GPSUI::about::display_about_dialog(&app); }); let app_weak = self.downgrade(); self.connect_button_action("button-play", move |_| { let app = upgrade_weak!(app_weak); let _ = graphbook::current_graphtab(&app).player().start_pipeline( &graphbook::current_graphtab(&app).graphview(), GPS::PipelineState::Playing, ); }); let app_weak = self.downgrade(); self.connect_button_action("button-pause", move |_| { let app = upgrade_weak!(app_weak); let _ = graphbook::current_graphtab(&app).player().start_pipeline( &graphbook::current_graphtab(&app).graphview(), GPS::PipelineState::Paused, ); }); let app_weak = self.downgrade(); self.connect_button_action("button-stop", move |_| { let app = upgrade_weak!(app_weak); let _ = graphbook::current_graphtab(&app) .player() .set_state(GPS::PipelineState::Stopped); }); let app_weak = self.downgrade(); self.connect_button_action("button-clear", move |_| { let app = upgrade_weak!(app_weak); app.clear_graph(); }); // Setup the favorite list GPSUI::elements::setup_favorite_list(self); // Setup the favorite list GPSUI::elements::setup_elements_list(self); let _ = self .load_graph( Settings::graph_file_path() .to_str() .expect("Unable to convert to string"), true, ) .map_err(|_e| { GPS_WARN!("Unable to load default graph"); }); } // Downgrade to a weak reference pub fn downgrade(&self) -> GPSAppWeak { GPSAppWeak(Rc::downgrade(&self.0)) } // Called when the application shuts down. We drop our app struct here fn drop(self) {} pub fn add_new_element(&self, element_name: &str) { let (inputs, outputs) = GPS::PadInfo::pads(element_name, false); let node = graphbook::current_graphtab(self) .graphview() .create_node(element_name, GPS::ElementInfo::element_type(element_name)); let node_id = node.id(); if GPS::ElementInfo::element_is_uri_src_handler(element_name) { GPSApp::get_file_from_dialog(self, false, move |app, filename| { GPS_DEBUG!("Open file {}", filename); let mut properties: HashMap = HashMap::new(); properties.insert(String::from("location"), filename); if let Some(node) = graphbook::current_graphtab(&app).graphview().node(node_id) { node.update_properties(&properties); } }); } graphbook::current_graphtab(self).graphview().add_node(node); for input in inputs { self.create_port_with_caps( node_id, GM::PortDirection::Input, GM::PortPresence::Always, input.caps().to_string(), ); } for output in outputs { self.create_port_with_caps( node_id, GM::PortDirection::Output, GM::PortPresence::Always, output.caps().to_string(), ); } } pub fn node(&self, node_id: u32) -> GM::Node { let node = graphbook::current_graphtab(self) .graphview() .node(node_id) .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Unable to retrieve node with id {}", node_id)); node } pub fn port(&self, node_id: u32, port_id: u32) -> GM::Port { let node = self.node(node_id); node.port(port_id) .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Unable to retrieve port with id {}", port_id)) } pub fn update_element_properties(&self, node_id: u32, properties: &HashMap) { let node = self.node(node_id); node.update_properties(properties); } pub fn update_pad_properties( &self, node_id: u32, port_id: u32, properties: &HashMap, ) { let port = self.port(node_id, port_id); port.update_properties(properties); } pub fn element_property(&self, node_id: u32, property_name: &str) -> Option { let node = self.node(node_id); PropertyExt::property(&node, property_name) } pub fn pad_properties(&self, node_id: u32, port_id: u32) -> HashMap { let port = self.port(node_id, port_id); let mut properties: HashMap = HashMap::new(); for (name, value) in port.properties().iter() { if !port.hidden_property(name) { properties.insert(name.to_string(), value.to_string()); } } properties } pub fn create_port_with_caps( &self, node_id: u32, direction: GM::PortDirection, presence: GM::PortPresence, caps: String, ) -> u32 { let node = self.node(node_id); let ports = node.all_ports(direction); let port_name = match direction { GM::PortDirection::Input => String::from("sink_"), GM::PortDirection::Output => String::from("src_"), _ => String::from("?"), }; let port_name = format!("{}{}", port_name, ports.len()); let port = graphbook::current_graphtab(self) .graphview() .create_port(&port_name, direction, presence); let id = port.id(); let properties: HashMap = HashMap::from([("_caps".to_string(), caps)]); port.update_properties(&properties); if let Some(mut node) = graphbook::current_graphtab(self).graphview().node(node_id) { graphbook::current_graphtab(self) .graphview() .add_port_to_node(&mut node, port); } id } pub fn create_link( &self, node_from_id: u32, node_to_id: u32, port_from_id: u32, port_to_id: u32, ) { let graphtab = graphbook::current_graphtab(self); let link = graphtab .graphview() .create_link(node_from_id, node_to_id, port_from_id, port_to_id); graphtab.graphview().add_link(link); } fn clear_graph(&self) { graphbook::current_graphtab(self).graphview().clear(); } pub fn save_graph(&self, filename: &str) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut file = File::create(filename)?; let buffer = graphbook::current_graphtab(self).graphview().render_xml()?; file.write_all(&buffer)?; Ok(()) } fn load_graph(&self, filename: &str, untitled: bool) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut file = File::open(filename)?; let mut buffer = Vec::new(); file.read_to_end(&mut buffer).expect("buffer overflow"); let graphtab = graphbook::current_graphtab(self); graphtab.graphview().load_from_xml(buffer)?; if !untitled { graphbook::current_graphtab_set_filename(self, filename); } Ok(()) } fn load_pipeline(&self, pipeline_desc: &str) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let graphtab = graphbook::current_graphtab(self); graphtab .player() .graphview_from_pipeline_description(&graphtab.graphview(), pipeline_desc); Ok(()) } }