Aleksandr Bogdanov e9fc6f58a3 Initial commit
2018-10-30 18:54:19 +01:00

29 lines
1 KiB
Executable file

#!/bin/bash -eu
echo "=>Configuring mastodon<="
bash /app/code/mastodon.env.template > /app/data/.env.production
if ! [ -f /app/data/.keys.env ]; then
echo "=>First run, generating keys and setting up the DB<="
export RANDFILE=/app/data/.rnd
echo -e "SECRET_KEY_BASE=$(openssl rand -hex 64)\nOTP_SECRET=$(openssl rand -hex 64)" > /app/data/.keys.env
source /app/data/.keys.env
HOME=/app/data bundle exec rake mastodon:webpush:generate_vapid_key >> /app/data/.keys.env
SAFETY_ASSURED=1 HOME=/app/data bundle exec rails db:schema:load db:seed
# the app writes to the following dirs:
mkdir -p /app/data/system && chown cloudron:cloudron /app/data/system
cat /app/data/.keys.env >> /app/data/.env.production
echo "=>Starting mastodon<="
SUDO='sudo -u cloudron -H -E'
PORT=3000 $SUDO bundle exec puma -C config/puma.rb &
PORT=4000 STREAMING_CLUSTER_NUM=1 $SUDO npm run start &
DB_POOL=25 MALLOC_ARENA_MAX=2 $SUDO bundle exec sidekiq -c 25 &
mkdir -p /run/nginx/log /run/nginx/body /run/nginx/cache
nginx -g 'daemon off;'